It is a small but influential group of representatives mainly men who speak up.

The fact that women has quit smoking to the same extent as men without the help of snus is not mentioned. Investigations by independent authorities as the basis for future tobacco policy are considered dishonest. Their conclusions and proposed measures do not go the industry’s way. How can this happen, asks the debate panel. One is assured that the opinions of individual officials may prevail, the scientific expert believes that the research is not up to date, the moderator with a political past believes it is due to slow systems and a reluctance to change perspectives.
Another angle is given in another garden where all seven participants present themselves as non-snuff users and one prefer smoked tobacco. The seminar’s title asks how the authorities can oppose the government’s tobacco policy. The investigations do not support harm reduction, which is interpreted as prejudiced and incapable of an ideological break.
The medical expert states that no one dies from snus, and you do not get cancer from nicotine. A politician supports a reduced tax on snus but objects that since nicotine is a poison, it is worrying that white snus is increasing among young people. The doctor interprets it positively as they would otherwise smoke. The politician is not convinced.
The nicotine researcher advises pregnant women not to use snus and perhaps unnecessarily with so many flavors. He believes that caffeine is an equally large poison as nicotine if not bigger in young people. Furthermore, he considers the benefits of drugs that also contribute to positive well-being.
A representative of the Committee on Social Affairs pointed out that the current government has not developed a new national tobacco strategy. Reduced tax on snus and increased tax on cigarettes is a start. The industry approves a regulated nicotine content, but the flavors approved by the Swedish Food Agency must continue to enhance the taste and smell of snus.
However, the popularity of white snus among children worried the representative of the tobacco company Philip Morris, which bought Swedish Match in 2022. A survey using AI, to assess a person’s age, has been carried out at 600 points of sale in Stockholm. The result revealed that compliance with the age limit for purchases was low. More than half did not request identification where it was justified according to the method. Why is the law not followed, some wondered? They agreed on that a likely explanation is that white snus is not seen as dangerous to health.
Representatives of some youth parties highlighted that today’s generation of young people is particularly enlightened and mature to make decisions about their lives, unnecessary regulations should not stop their freedom to do so.
”-Today the tobacco industry is honest, unlike before!” it was determined. Why can’t we meet the politicians and explain? It is due to Article 5.3 of the WHO Tobacco Convention, someone explained.

I left the coverage with a hope that the agreement of the world community stands firm!

Ann Post
Tobaksfakta – independent think tank

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