Hem / Grandmother against tobacco has fallen silent (1948-2022)
It is with great sadness that we announce the loss of a dear and unique member of the Think Tank Tobaksfakta. Late on Saturday, September 3, Margaretha Haglund reluctantly took her last breath after a period of illness. She had until then pumped oxygen into the tobacco prevention work in Sweden throughout her professional life – for nearly 50 years.
Unafraid of challenges and combative in the debate both nationally and internationally, she was a respected and sought-after expert on tobacco issues. At the National Board of Health and Welfare, the Public Health Institute and most recently Tobaksfakta, she has led the tobacco struggle forward, sometimes with unconventional methods. For her stubborn work, she has received several prestigious awards such as the WHO medal and the Luther Terry Award.
The powerful tobacco companies – which she saw as the root of evil – became her greatest enemy. She stated ”Tobacco is devastating for everyone except for the tobacco industry”.
Right to the end, Margaretha participated with her knowledge and guidance in the work at Tobaksfakta. She will be missed, but a continued source of inspiration and role model. Her greatness cannot be replaced.
Our thoughts go out to the family.
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