About Tobaksfakta think tank

Tobaksfakta is an independent, nonprofit organization with 18 member organizations. Our goal is a tobacco-free society. Our work is based on the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, FCTC, and its guidelines. In FCTC countries can find evidence based tools to reduce tobacco use – and the death and disease it causes. We work to spread knowledge of and commitment to the FCTC among decision-makers and society as a whole. It is important that Sweden fully implement the convention and also supports its implementation in other countries.


The Swedish Government aims at Smoke Free Sweden 2025

– We welcome the Government’s new announcement! Today´s clear message from Gabriel Wikström is an important step, says Göran Boëthius,...

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Fact Sheets about The Rights of the Child in Tobacco Control

Barnets Rätt i Tobaksfrågan – The Right of the Child in Tobacco Control – is a project in which we...

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An article by Gabriel Wikström, Minister for Public Health: New strong measures are required

Ten years have passed since smoking was banned in Swedish pubs and restaurants. Since then, over 100,000 Swedes have died...

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A commentary from Tobaksfakta on the recent tobacco policy development in Sweden: ”At last!”

– At last a health minister who does his job and takes responsibility for the children in Sweden!

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Tankesmedjans skuggrapport på engelska

Vid världskonferensen om tobakskontroll, World Conference on Tobacco or Health den 20-24 mars i Singapore kommer Tankesmedjan Tobaksfakta att presentera...

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