
Fact Sheets about The Rights of the Child in Tobacco Control

Barnets Rätt i Tobaksfrågan – The Right of the Child in Tobacco Control – is a project in which we look at tobacco policy issues from children´s perspectives. Our work is based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, FCTC. Our goal is to build bridges between the two conventions.

One of our methods is an analysis of important articles in FCTC from the perspective of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Which connections can we find between the articles in the two conventions? This analysis is presented in fact sheets, one for each FCTC article. You can download the fact sheets in English on the links below.









Summary of proposals in the report from the inquiry that has reviewed the Swedish Tobacco Act, published March 1, 2016

The Swedish Government aims at Smoke Free Sweden by 2025

About us

A commentary from Tobaksfakta on the Swedish tobacco policy development in the fall of 2014

Charli Eriksson et. al.:The Swedish Think Tank Tobaksfakta – An Assessment of Relevance and Quality.Working Papers in Public Health Science, Örebro University, 2014:3.

Fact Sheets on the Rights of the Child in Tobacco Control

Tobacco and the rights of the child – New perspectives on strengthening the child´s rights

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